Monday, January 31, 2011

Into the wee hours.

So, I've been watching  living, the joys of newish BBC television.  I just finished Robin Hood season 3, and I must say well written, acted and directed... It wasn't at all what I was expecting though all together I would say it was quite well undertaken.

Now, I'm starting the first season of Doctor Who, I'm not sure yet how I feel about a show that only into its 5th season has already changed main characters. (well, actors anyhow)

So far, its rather campy, hillarious, and perhaps even worth while. I never rarely sleep so catching up to the series might be alltogether enjoyable. (Netflix is pretty much consuming all of my sleep time.

Random note: after hunting down guitar picks... polishing up my Austin and re-fitting it with a brand new battery for the tuner. I can say it looks as polished and wonderful as the day I got it (random fact in the random note, one of THE BEST christmas presents I've ever gotten, and my pops has WONDERFUL taste in musical instruments.)

Also, I realized that I desperatnly need new Guitar strings...  These are pretty much rusted to the point of them not really sounding quite right (though it is in tune) Might go with lighter ones this time... I do belive the heavy ones, while richer in sound, might be a bit difficult to play till I get back into it... perhaps a month or two from now when my hands are stronger again.

"By the way, I'm a Doctor... Nice to meet you, RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!"  pretty much hillarious already.

I need to go to the gym also...
But not sleeping/eating + working out... I'll start looking like one of the crazy cast membors from Survior... Perhaps "Survivor FastFood" would end up with too many of them people following it up with "Biggest Loser"

Next time I'm in walmart followed by people, I'm totally going to use a Doctor Who quote for one of those tabloid magazines "Huh, that won't work... He's gay, and shes and Alien"

I'm pretty sure they'll look at me rather strangly.

but it is walmart, no chance that'll even be the oddest thing to have them see that day/week/month.

probably even in the hour they'll have someone dressed like Baby Spice..

fuck that was a longass time ago... I only liked Posh and Sporty... Couldn't stand the songs, but put that shit on mute and I was a happy 15 year old.

Drink up me hearties  Yo-Ho

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