Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Frosty the Snow Zeus God of Underpants!

So, if trees screamed... would be be so offhanded about chopping the bastards down? I think we might, you know... if they say.. screamed all the damn time, for no blood reason?  man that would make hunting easier... and probably a little bit more disturbing.

I mean, Deer and the likes would be a ton less skittish, but then BAMN outta no where you've got a giant grizly bear sodimizing your pray... Thats what they do right? they live off the pain and anguish of other animals?

or is that G.W. Bush?

I always get the two confused...

So, I got rid of the handlebar mustache in favor of going to just my normal angular beard cut again... Frankly I liked the waxxed mustache too much. I mean hoenstly, when you sit there twiddling your stash for 10-15 min on end snearing at people in the mall, caclking like snidly whiplash all while dressed in  a top hat, monical, lepard print manthong bow-tie, walking cain and fancy shoes...

yeah, thats when its time to trim the stache.

So... I want to start a pirate school. Like you all remember that old movie, the princess bride? The Dread Pirate Roberts (played by Carey Ewles? ) was totally into swashbucling and what not...

that'd be one hell of an awsome school. teach people to fight with swords and all that good stuff, then eventually I think the final should be like a huge sword fight, follwed by laughing, then jumping off of something.

-Isntant A-

So the 80s apparently were pretty much cocaine infused technocolor kung-fu fighting.

Except John Cusack... he was sad depressed, standing out in the rain with a boombox.

Fuck, I fucking miss boomboxes... Used to be everyone walked around with their muisic on their shoulder, and everyone could hear and be like 'oh, that douche likes creed! haha! loser" but now its all secret with ipods and stuff... so you have to wait for the guy to get all into the music, like at the gym and throw open his hands and be all like "WITH ARMS WIDE OPEN-AH" and then be all  like " oh man, look at that douche over there totally rocking the invisibal powerbalad to creed... fucking tool"

So, I've been cooped up for like 48 hours now, due to an assload of fucking snow.

I wanted to build a snowman army, but decided that my time would be better spent sleeping, especially considering they'd all be looking for Kyle.

Oh,and I've been talking to this WONDERFUL woman... she's pretty much the cats meow, bees knees, pretty pimp, won't lie...

I guess if you see my shit get all emo, and like 'fuck you in the mother fucking neck cupid' and crazy bullshit like that, it'd be safe to assume things did not go swimmingly.

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