Monday, January 31, 2011


So, I pulled an all nighter lastnight, but I was SUPER productive today instead of sleeping, from say when I got off work till, whenever.

Instead, went to campus, got everything taken care of smoothly for classes, books etc.

Then I filed my taxes (which, SURPRISE not a lot of money... blah)

Then went shopping for food (which walmart is epicly crazy busy due to the like 12-20 inches of snow we're supposed to get... Winterwonderlandfuckingbullshit

Anyway, cooked dinner for Mel, Nicole, Abby, and all the wee ones, was pretty much the best stuffed peppers I've ever made

Now, I've about 50 minutes till work, been up longer than I care to remember *guzzles more monster*

You know, I'm not really a fan of monster... but the B.F.C. was calling my name, I figure if that much pure energy cannot keep me awake, I might as well curl up into a ball now and die.

So with this crazy weather... this might TOTALLY be my last post for a while (depends on power/internet/surviving the night)

Anyway...  Hopefully all ends well.

Drink up me hearties. Yo-ho.

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